29 May 2010


Today my alarm went off at 5:00 a.m. After a hot shower and an even hotter cup of coffee, I got ready for my first yard sale. My best friend Bonnie and I came up with the idea of doing a yard sale together a couple of months ago as a fundraiser for our Semester at Sea trip. Since we both live out in the boonies, we decided it would be best to not have the sale in our own yards, but at the city park instead.

I drove up to the pavillion at 6:30. After unloading only two boxes of junk from my car, a few curious townsfolk showed up, ready to shop. I kindly told them that we wouldn't be ready until 8 o'clock. By the time 7:45 rolled around, there were at least 30 people dotting the outer square of the park! I couldn't understand how there were already so many people there or what they were doing up so early on a Saturday. Bonnie and I took our seats behind the cash register and her mother told everyone we were ready to start. Within seconds people flocked in and began to throw items at us, so that we could start piles for them. The entire first hour was absolute insanity. We frantically recorded which items belonged to which of us, punched numbers in a calculator, calculated change, refused to lower our prices, and bagged items in plastic Walmart sacks while people waited in the longest garage sale line I've ever seen. I was finally able to take a breather around 9:00. When I looked around, I realized we had already sold half of our merchandise! I was home and counting the cash by 2:00 p.m.

The event was an overall success. Bon and I each exceeded the fundraising goal we hoped to meet for the day. We were greeted by many familiar faces and given generous donations from several friends. If you are reading this and you are one of those people-- thank you! I am so lucky to live in a small community of caring people and grateful for all the support I have been given as I prepare for this trip.

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