06 August 2012

Summertime in Texas

Summer seems to be the longest season in Texas with warm weather beginning in May and continuing until October, and ever since I was a child, it's been my favorite. Days are endlessly sunny and full of possibilities. Responsibilities are few. The freezer is full of Blue Bell ice cream and there are ice cubes in my coffee. What more could a girl ask for? Sure, the sidewalks are hot enough to fry an egg on and the mosquitoes are unavoidable, but once you're thoroughly doused in bug spray there are many places to escape the heat--at a river, lake, beach, or natural pool. Texas summer nights are peppered with the brightest stars. Mine have been spent watching movies, playing pool, or gathered around a campfire with friends, Shiner Bock beers, and s'mores. The summer may be flying by quickly but I want to treasure its fleeting joys--bare feet, end of season sales, carnival rides, sangria and sundresses.


  1. Hi Leah!

    I just read your blog for the first time. I went back as far as the few days before graduation. I just wanted to let you know that your writings are very inspiring. Right now I am unsure of what it is that I am doing with my life now that I am a "grown up." I've been very frustrated recently because it seems like everyone expects you to have a 9-5 job and sometimes you're not sure what it is you really want to do. It made me happy that you wrote about discovering what you wanted to do and doing it rather than what was expected of you. Thank you for that. I hope you have a great time in your travels and life discoveries and I look forward to reading about them!

  2. Hey Julie,

    Great to hear from you! You're definitely not alone in trying to navigate these rough waters of the real world--we're all trying to figure it out as we go. Things will work out somehow. They always do. Thanks for reading!

