11 March 2013

Melbourne vs Sydney

Sitting on St Kilda Beach in Melbourne, I got to thinking about the question that Robby, the painter, asked me on the train: "Are you a Sydney or a Melbourne person?" This was a question I had considered before I even came to Australia, when I was deciding which city I wanted to live in long-term. Through chance or circumstance, I ended up in Sydney for what was a fun-filled six months of self-exploration. But sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I chose Melbourne instead.

There were a lot of things I loved about Melbourne: the vibrant street art, the unique small businesses, the style, the architecture, the eco-conscious attitude of Melburnians and the underground music and bar scene. The city is better designed and more planned out than Sydney's and the public transportation system is twice as efficient. I love the random conversations I had with strangers there. Whether it was another writer in a kitschy cafe or a musician from Texas in a Fitzroy dive bar, I was always meeting friendly people who were eager to share their story with me.

{St Kilda}

But then I remember all the reasons I fell in love with Sydney: the sunshine, the humid climate, and above all--the beaches. While St Kilda water's are nice and calm and easier to swim in, I wouldn't trade it for the crashing waves, the Coastal Walk, or the character of Sydney's beaches. Sydney averages twice as many clear days as Melbourne and the weather tends to be slightly warmer. And I simply think it was the place I was meant to be for this season of my life--my eternal summer. And though it's unfair to judge after spending an unequal amount of time in each city, I think if someone were to ask me again if I was a Sydney or a Melbourne person, my answer would have to be Sydney.

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